I was checking the weather again, when my eyes drifted to the sidebar containing "Today in Los Angeles."
Here they often have things that are sort of weather-related. Scanning the list, I saw "Rush Hour Traffic Conditions", "Allergy and Pollen Conditions," and ... what the? "Baby Animal Slideshow." Baby Animal Slideshow?!?! I clicked on it and, sure enough, pictures of baby animals. This is quite awesome, because I am happy to look at pictures of baby animals whenever I'm given the opportunity. Indeed, I often frequent cuteoverload.com.
Links that did not worked claimed that I could show off my pets by submitting photos or video of my pets. I wonder how long it will be until weather.com will soon allow me to show off my lip syncing talent, stand up comedy, or other things that should be left to YouTube. Meanwhile, I am trying to think of other things I would like to see on weather.com.