Saturday, May 12, 2007

Mother's Day dinner at Joe's Crab Shack

Tonight we had dinner at Joe's Crab Shack in Newport Beach to celebrate Mother's Day with the Irvine-side family. It was very crowded and took us a while to get a seat. During the wait we had time to browse the many crab-themed products they had available, peruse the menu, watch the restaurant staff do a 10 minute dance, play 3 or 4 games of hangman, and start a game of 20 questions.

Overall impressions: the ambiance was loud and cluttered, the menu was not vegetarian-friendly, and the dinner food was indistinguishably mediocre. In sum, it was not worth the wait.

But going to Irvine for Parents' Day (Father's Day got added in somehow, too) was nice. Dean, Alex, and I helped mom plant impatients in the backyard garden. Even though I'm supposedly moved out and married, it still feels like home.