Yesterday at Costco I bought a container of Kirkland's (the Costco brand) Extra Fancy Mixed Nuts. It is a big thing of nuts, I tell you. But I am confident that we will be able to consume it, because we are a nut-eating household.
My personal preference, listed in order from least to most enjoyed:
5. Brazil Nuts
4. Hazelnuts (Filberts)
3. Almonds
2. Cashews
1. Pecans
A bit strange to me that pecans ended up as the favorite on the list. I think it may be because I rarely have any.
Anyway, like many "fancy" or "deluxe" nut mixes, this one does not contain peanuts. But it doesn't advertise "NO PEANUTS" on the label. This causes me to think more highly of these Extra Fancy mixed nuts. Some other nut mixes find it necessary to proclaim their lack of peanuts or low peanut content loudly. But what is up with not including peanuts? Peanuts are supposed to be a cheaper sort of nut, but by how much?
Looking at these wholesale prices, a fair amount. Almonds are $3.75/lb, Cashews $3.70 - $4.00/lb depending on the size. Pecans are $5.50-$5.70/lb, the high end being if you purchase them roasted. Elsewhere, Brazil nuts are $5.59/lb, Filberts for $4.99, etc. Peanuts are an inexpensive $1.40/lb.
Are peanuts any less tasty? Do they not have as many nutritional benefits as these other Fancy nuts? Or would a mix with peanuts included just seem not as deluxe?